We're Gonna Make You Smile!

If your Normal, Or as far as Normal goes..These things should have your belly aching!

In No Particular Order:

1) Georgia Nicolson's Diarys, These are legend! You have to be careful where you read them becuase it's likley you'll burst out laughing. If you don't believe they're good, Then why would they waste money making a film on them Humm? Yeah..You go and hide under that rock.

 2) Team America. Who knew there was such thing as puppet sex?! There was one thing I was wondering though, If they have no reproductive organs have do they have puppet babies..?

3) Still on the puppet theme, Potter Puppet Pals! This site is HILARIOUS! I love their videos, they're soo Great! These people a truly fabbylous. *Claps*, If we can't make you laugh, then they can: www.potterpuppetpals.com